Just diagnosed with RHD?

Finding out you have RHD or you child has RHD can be very traumatizing and worrying. Having so many questions about the diagnosis is normal. 

Answers to some of the common questions asked are mentioned below.

What is RHD?

Rheumatic Heart Disease is a condition whereby valves of the heart does not function properly.

Valves are like doors that allow blood to enter and exit the heart supplying blood to the rest of the body. RHD is when these valves (or doors of the heart) are damaged and not working properly which results in low blood being supplied to the body.

Can I get RHD at any age?

RHD can occur or be diagnosed at any age, but the infection caused by germs that also leads to RHD usually affects children ages 5-15years.

How does one get RHD?

RHD is a complication or result of a series of health events.

It is caused by a germ called strep that causes sore throat and skin sores. Sometimes sore throat and skin sores do not get treated and this will lead to a condition known as Rheumatic Fever. If rheumatic fever is not treated by doctors or nurses, these germs may continue to affect the heart and cause RHD

How do I know if I have RHD? What are the symptoms?

Sometimes when doctors listen to the heart, they hear a murmur which may suggest RHD. However, RHD can only be 100% diagnosed by doing a heart scan or echocardiography.

Mild forms of RHD usually does not have symptoms. However, if the RHD is severe, patient can experience:

  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Shortness of breath when doing activity or when lying down
  • Feeling weak or tired
  • Swelling on both legs

How is RHD treated?

The best way to avoid or treat RHD is with a penicillin injection called Benza every 3 – 4 weeks. The needles can be painful at first, but most people quickly get used to them.

How long do I need to have Benza injections?

Most people living with RHD need to have the injections for 10years after the last episode of ARF or until they turn 21 years old (whichever is the longer period). This may seem like a long time but if you do not take this injection, you could have another attack of rheumatic fever, thus creating more damage to your Heart. Your doctor is the only one that can tell you when it’s safe to stop having injections.

How can I remember to get my injection on time?

It’s really important to remember your injection every 3-4 weeks. If you miss just one injection it could be enough to get ARF again. Ask your doctor or nurse for your injection card that tells you when you are due for your injection.

Ways to remember when your injection is due:


  • Keep injection book in your wallet or purse
  • Tell your family and friends and ask them to remind you.
  • Mark it on your calendar
  • Store it on your phone and set an alarm to remind you.

When will I stop taking Benzathine Injection?

All RHD patients are to be reviewed by specialist doctors. How often you will be reviewed will be determined by how the condition of your RHD. Your doctor will tell you when you no longer need to take Benza. It is advisable that you do not stop your Benza injection when you feel like it.

I was told I have RHD, and I need to take my injection every month. But I feel fine. Do I still need to take my monthly Benza Injection?

YES! the strep germ worsens the damage already done to your heart valves. Benza injection is an antibiotic that prevents the germ from further damaging your heart.

When you do not take your Benza injection, germs will enter your body and continue to damage your heart.

How do I prevent myself from having RHD?

You can prevent yourself and your family from getting RHD by preventing sore throat and skin sores. This can be done by:

  • Avoid overcrowding at home
  • Regular handwashing
  • Taking shower regularly with soap and clean water

Also, if you or your child (or family) experience sore throat or any skin sores, you should seek medical care to treat the infection before it results in ARF and progress to RHD.

Can RHD cause death?

Severe RHD can result in death. However, this can be prevented if you continue to take your Benzathine Injection when it is scheduled.

Will I be able to play sports if I have RHD?

You can still continue to live a normal life and engage in physical activities if you have RHD.

However, if you start to feel, shortness of breath when doing physical activities, you should see a doctor.

If you have severe form of RHD or in heart failure, your doctor will then advise you on what physical activity you cannot do due to your condition.

I had forgotten to go to the health center for Benza Injection. What should I do?

You will need to go to the nearest health center to get your Benza Injection and you must make sure that you should not miss your next injection.

Do the injections protect my heart from rheumatic fever?

Have you ever had surgery for Rheumatic Heart Disease?



  • The two most common RHD-related surgeries are valve replacement and valve repair.
  • You need to continue taking your Benza even if you have RHD-related surgery.
  • Be sure to take your regular INR test. Take the exact Warfarin dose as advised by your doctor.
