Complications of RHD

Some Complications of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD)?

Heart Failure – Is when the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body which occurs from either a severely narrowed or leaky valve.

Stroke – is where there’s a blockage in the blood supply to the brain due to clot forming in the heart or from a burst blood vessel. Some people living with RHD (PLWRHD) take “blood thinning” medication to reduce the risk of stroke.

Arrhythmia–  Is the rapid heartbeat or the abnormal heart rhythm. When the heart is affected by ARF, the heart changes its shapes and is at high risk of arrythmia. Which tends to increase shortness of breath, cause palpitations and increase the risk of stroke.

Endocarditis – is a bacterial infection of the inner lining of the heart and occurs when ARF has  damaged the heart valves.

Pregnancy in women –  Pregnancy causes stress to the heart and can make pregnancy and delivery more risky for mum’s and babies.

The physical changes of pregnancy makes the heart work twice as harder and women living with RHD (WLRHD), their heart may not be able to cope to these changes causing heart failure. Women who have had repair or replaced heart valve surgery are at  a serious risk of bleeding from medications that thin the blood(warfarin) and has an effects on the babies development.
