HHF Engages Leaders To Fight RHD

Heart Heroes Fiji Engages Traditional Leaders in Fight Against Rheumatic Heart Disease

Heart Heroes Fiji made significant strides in its advocacy efforts by presenting on Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) to traditional itaukei leaders during their annual provincial council meetings in Suva for the first time. This initiative aimed to raise awareness and promote action within the communities most affected by RHD, particularly among women and girls.

The presentations took place on key dates:

  • June 27th: Heart Heroes Fiji attended the Lau Provincial Council, which brought together traditional leaders from Fiji’s eastern maritime province.
  • June 29th: The organization presented at the Rewa Provincial Council, where leaders from the central division of Viti Levu convened. Notably, the patron of Heart Heroes Fiji is the Traditional Head of the Rewa Province and Paramount Chief of the Burebasaga Confederacy.
  • July 4th: A special focus on women’s leadership was held during the Lau Province Women Leaders Meeting.

RHD has a high prevalence among the itaukei population in Fiji, and the data presented reflected this concerning trend across the respective provinces. Heart Heroes Fiji’s manager answered questions and provided guidance on how the leaders could foster discussions about RHD within their communities. Additionally, we offered referral points for individuals seeking further assistance.

This outreach effort was timely and influential, as traditional leaders are uniquely positioned to disseminate awareness messaging and promote adherence to treatment protocols at the community level. The opportunity also allowed Heart Heroes Fiji to listen to the leaders’ queries regarding RHD, revealing that many were aware of relatives suffering from the disease who face daily challenges in accessing treatment.

This engagement not only emphasized the importance of community support but also encouraged traditional leaders to take an active role in ensuring that family members adhere to treatment schedules and do not miss vital healthcare opportunities. By collaborating with these influential figures, Heart Heroes Fiji aims to enhance community understanding and action against RHD, ultimately improving the lives of those affected by this preventable disease.

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